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November 8th

Presentations: From GATS to TISA - Global Trade in Services Forum, Geneva, 17 October, 2014

18 October, 2014
On 17 October 2014, Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network organised, "Global Trade in Services Forum - From GATS to TISA", in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Public Services International (PSI). Large number of trade unionists from public and private sector, government representatives, global experts and civil society representatives will take part in the vent.

Open TISA to public debate, say experts at first global forum

18 October, 2014
"Open TISA to public debate", was the key demand of the participants at the first Global Trade in Services Forum, in Geneva on 17th October 2014, co-organised by Public Services International (PSI), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network.

PSI-OWINFS-FES Global Trade in Services Forum

10 October, 2014
On 17 October 2014, the Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) network will be organising "Global Trade in Services Forum, From GATS to TISA", in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and the Public Services International (PSI). Large number of trade unionists from public and private sector, government representatives, global experts and civil society representatives took part in the event. The global conference to provided a critical perspective on the TISA.

November 5th

Brisbane 2014: G20 Peoples' Summit and March, Nov. 12-15, 2014

Standing firm besides Brisbane Community Action Network BrisCAN and Brisbane's community !!!

Events include:

The Free Trade and Investment Regimes: an Attack on Peoples’ Rights, the Commons and Democracy