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October 31st

Implications of International Investment Agreements: UNCTAD World Investment Forum 2014 Event

15 October, 2014
The number of disputes brought by investors under international investment agreements (IIAs) has been steadily increasing. This event organized by OWINFS, TWN and Public Citizen at the UNCTAD World Investment Forum 2014 looks at the implications of these disputes for sustainable development, and will discuss actual case studies in particular areas.

UNCTAD Secretary General Mr M. Kituyi Respond to Global Civil Society Letter on the Role of UNCTAD on Investment Issues

23 October, 2014
In this response to global civil society groups letter, UNCTAD Secretary General Mr M. Kituyi's share the concerns of global civil society groups on the implications of current investment regime and expressed hope that proposed reforms of international investment agreements and investor state dispute settlement system (ISDS) will help to improve them system.

Implications for jobs, consumers, and the environment and Africa of including investment in the post-Bali Roadmap: OWINFS event at WTO Public Forum 2014

1 October, 2014
On 3 October 2014 OWINFS organized an event, "Implications for jobs, consumers, and the environment and Africa of including investment in the post-Bali Roadmap" at WTO Public Forum.

Trade and Africa: Achieving Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa - OWINFS event at WTO Public Forum 2014

1 October, 2014
On 3 October 2014 OWINFS organized an event, "Trade and Africa: Achieving Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa", at WTO Public Forum 2014

How a Proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Matters to Everyone: OWINFS event at WTO Public Forum 2014

1 October, 2014
OWINFS organized an event on "How a Proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Matters to Everyone" at the WTO Public Forum on 1 October 2014

Prospects for Trade, Development, and Reducing Inequality: Doha, post-Bali, and the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals: OWINFS event at WTO Public Forum 2014

1 October, 2014
OWINFS organized an event at WTO Pubic Forum 2014, "Prospects for Trade, Development, and Reducing Inequality: Doha, post-Bali, and the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals" on 2nd October 2014

Event at WTO Public Forum 2014: Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA)

1 October, 2014
The OWINFS network organized an event "Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA): Emerging Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Development" at the WTO Public Forum 2014 on 1 October 2014.

October 13th

Towards an International Secret Agreement (TISA) on Financial Services?

1 October, 2014
This OWINFS network's brief on the proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), explains how the proposed TISA push more dangerous deregulatory policies on Financial services and endangers future financial regulatory capacity of governments.

October 2nd

The TISA Threat to Food and Agriculture

1 October, 2014
The Tisa Threat to Food and Agriculture: The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Association's (IUF) presentation at the WTO Public Forum 2014 – Uni Global Union/Public Services International Panel How a proposed trade in services agreement (TISA) matters to everyone