Archive - abr 18, 2007 - Article


WTO Returns to the ‘Multilateral Process’

17 April, 2007
The G4 / G6 meeting in New Delhi (11th

Farmers hold protest against WTO regime

17 April, 2007
Farmers here on Tuesday took out a protest procession against the World Trade Organisation (WTO) regime, terming it lethal for the farming sector in poor countries.

As a WTO deadline expires, new deadlines are bandied around

17 April, 2007
On 1 April, the deadline for American President George W Bush to inform the US Congress of his intention to sign trade agreements under his present fast-track authority expired. He was unable to send any such intention regarding the World Trade Organisation's Doha negotiations.

Despondent mood at WTO as G4 process seems to reach dead-end

17 April, 2007
The mood of despondency is increasing among WTO members as the possibility that the Doha negotiations cannot make headway this year looms larger.

Pakistan’s attempt at compromise on Special Products raises ire of fellow G-33 members

17 April, 2007
In a stated attempt to 'narrow the gaps' on one of the most contentious issues in the troubled Doha Round agriculture negotiations, Pakistan on 10 April issued a new paper seeking to split the differences between developing countries eager to shield some 'special products' from the full force of tariff cuts and the agricultural exporters that fear diminished commercial opportunities.