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abril 23rd

Global Civil Society Calls on Governments to Strengthen, Not Weaken, UNCTAD’s Role in Global Governance

Sign-on Letter with 38 International and 137 National Organizations from Across the Globe Delivered to Negotiators at UNCTAD XIII in Doha

Today, global civil society delivered a letter that calls on negotiators at the 13th quadrennial conference of the UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD XIII, to ensure that conference strengthens UNCTAD’s role on keys issues of global economic governance and financial reform.

The letter reads, in part:

março 26th

Foro internacional "Crisis global, G20 y políticas alternativas"

Ciudad de México, 26 y 27 de marzo 2012

Evento que reúne un abanico importante de expertos tanto universitarios como de los movimientos sociales, que compartirán sus análisis en torno al rol del G20 como espacio informal de gobernancia de la economía mundial, y expondrán políticas alternativas para enfrentar la actual crisis mundial y construir un modelo de desarrollo que ponga la gente y la naturaleza en el centro de la economía.

DIFUSIÓN EN VIVO / cliquea aquí

Organizado por la Coalición mexicana frente al G20
en colaboración con el Posgrado de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM

Rumbo a la Cumbre del G20 en junio 2012, en Los Cabos, México


Mexico City, March 26-27, 2012

Event that gathers academic and social movements' experts, who will share their analysis on the G20 as the "new" informal body of governance of the global economy, and expose different policy alternatives to confront the actual global crisis and build a development model that puts people and nature first.

LIVE BROADCAST (in Spanish) / click here

Organized by the Mexican Coalition on G20
in collaboration with the Faculty of Economy of UNAM

Towards the G20 Summit in June 2012, in Los Cabos, Mexico