Archive - 2002 - Article


agosto 8th

'Reality Check': Twelve Months To Mexico And The 5th Ministerial

7 August, 2002
The Developing Countries (DCs) continue to be frustrated because none of the mandated issues regarding implementation and Special and Differential Treatment (S&D) have progressed and resolution of S&D talks has been postponed to December of 2002.

julho 19th

junho 23rd

Japan To Present Fast Track Approach To Negotiating Singapore Issues In The WTO

22 June, 2002
According to sources, Japan will acknowledge that the clarification exercise regarding issues such Investment and Competition is

março 15th

Say NO To Economic And Political Oppression!Act Now To Oppose Imperialist Wars!

14 March, 2002
The EU Summit in Barcelona under the European Union presidency of right-wing Spanish President Jose Maria Aznar is expected to pursue even more intensively the neoliberal policy of 'free market' globalization.