Archive - abr 26, 2006 - Article

Country tables on NAMA

25 April, 2006
The four new simulation exercises by Esther Busser from the ICFTU on India, Indonesia, Philippines and Mexico.

WTO meeting confirms missed deadlines, no Ministerial

25 April, 2006
The World Trade Organisation Monday finally made the conclusion that the deadlines for reaching 'modalities' for agriculture and non-agricultural market access by the end of this month could not be met, and that a planned meeting of some 30 Ministers would be called off.

EU, Japan propose new WTO treaties to prevent export taxes, restrictions

25 April, 2006
In a move that has upset many developing countries, the European Union and Japan have recently proposed new treaties in the WTO to prevent or restrict the use by WTO members of export taxes and export restrictions.

WTO agriculture talks on export competition issues

25 April, 2006
The WTO's agriculture negotiations this week have focused so far on issues relating to the export competition pillar, specifically on food aid, state trading enterprises and export credits.