Archive - jul 28, 2005 - Article

European Commission's DG Trade reply to questions raised by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)

27 July, 2005
The European Commission's DG Trade has finally replied to questions raised by Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) about the privileged access and influence of industry lobby groups like the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) and the European Services Forum (ESF).

Ambassador Jara's report to the Trade Negotiations Committee

27 July, 2005
Following the World Trade Organization (WTO) Mini-Ministerial Meeting in Dalian, China earlier this month, Ambassador Alejandro Jara, Chairman of the WTO Council for Trade in Services Special Session, issued a report on the state of play in the Doha Round services negotiations.

Press release: Passage of DR-CAFTA Bad News for Farmers

27 July, 2005
The passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in the U.S. House of Representatives late last night signals a major setback for U.S. sugar farmers and a damaging blow to Central American farmers

NAMA chair confirms impasse in NAMA negotiations

27 July, 2005
The talks on non-agricultural market access(NAMA) are at an impasse on key issues and the consultations at the WTO this weekcould not come up with agreement, according to Ambassador Stefan Johannesson ofIceland.

India's Revamped Services Offer

27 July, 2005
India yesterday offered a substantial market-opening for foreign financial services companies