Archive - 2005 - Article

outubro 12th

More can be done to boost Singapore-US ties: Outgoing Ambassador Lavin

11 October, 2005
Singapore and the United States are like-minded countries with a common approach towards trade, political stability and the fight against terror

WTO Proposes Protest Zones for Summit

11 October, 2005
Organizers of a WTO summit in Hong Kong have proposed several zones to contain the 10,000 anti-globalization protesters expected to gather here in December for the conference.

G33 Ministerial Statement

11 October, 2005
Link to the G33 ministerial statement of 11 October 2005

Fair Trade Groups Ask Congress to Oppose Bush Trade Proposal

11 October, 2005
Family farm, religious, conservation and other fair trade organizations sent a letter to key members of Congress calling on them to resist a specific Bush Administration proposal that would change rules at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to shift U.S. farm payments from one category to another.

Criticizing the US Proposal

11 October, 2005
The United States yesterday failed * during a five hour meeting of the 'Five Interested Parties' group * to fully convince the European Union, Brazil, India and Australia of the merits of the US plan to end export subsidies and significantly reduce domestic farm spending around the world

outubro 11th

Europe Entertains an American Offer to Cut Farm Aid

10 October, 2005
The United States upped the ante Monday in the delicate negotiations between America and Europe over aid to farmers, a central sticking point in stalled global trade talks.

Brazil Reaches AIDS Drug Deal With Abbott

10 October, 2005
Brazil has reached an agreement with U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer Abbott Laboratories Inc. to lower AIDS drug Kaletra's price, heading off a possibility the country would break the patent, the health ministry said Tuesday.

Invitation to help create an anti-WTO mosaic-banner

10 October, 2005
In the run-up to the ministerial conference they are collecting photos and statements from those people, who support the protest against the WTO, to create an emerging picture of the protest

Brazil reaches AIDS drug deal with Abbott

10 October, 2005
Brazil has reached an agreement with U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturer Abbott Laboratories Inc. to lower AIDS drug Kaletra's price, heading off a possibility the country would break the patent