Archive - 2005 - Article

outubro 21st

'Blame game' follows failure of FIPs Ministers' meeting

20 October, 2005
The WTO preparations for the Hong Kong Ministerial conference suffered a serious setback Wednesday night when a key meeting on agriculture involving Ministers of five major countries - the US, EU, Brazil, India and Australia - ended abruptly after failing to make any progress. The session scheduled for Thursday was cancelled.

outubro 20th

EU proposes globalisation 'shock absorber' fund

19 October, 2005
The European Commission called for the EU to set up a half-billion-euro globalisation 'shock absorber' fund to cushion the impact of painful restructuring efforts in Europe.

No Breakthrough in Geneva

19 October, 2005
Chief trade ministers of the 'Five Interested Parties' the United States, the European Union, Australia, Brazil and India yesterday failed to 'break the ice' in the difficult market access area of the ongoing Doha Development Agenda agricultural trade negotiations

An LDC 'Smokescreen' in Geneva

19 October, 2005
Brazil's external relations minister and chief trade negotiator Celso Amorim yesterday warned against creating a 'smokescreen' in the Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations

Time Is Running Out for 'Cotton' Initiative

19 October, 2005
Trade ministers of Mali and Chad yesterday warned that time is running out for a much-promised 'cotton' initative

outubro 19th

TWN statement at European Parliament on the WTO negotiations on NAMA

18 October, 2005
On 11 October 2005, the European Parliament's International Trade Committeeheld a public hearing on the WTO in its preparation for the WTO's HongkongMinisterial conference in December. The Third World Network's Director, Martin Khor, was invited to make apresentation as one of six experts at the hearing. He made a statement in thesession on NAMA (non agricultural market access).

EU says ready to move on farm trade at talks

18 October, 2005
European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said he was ready to show more flexibility over farm trade when he meets other top-level negotiators from around the world on Wednesday.

Services benchmarking controversy set to re-ignite

18 October, 2005
The controversy over proposals to introduce new 'benchmarking' or complementary approaches aimed at getting developing countries to accelerate their liberalisation commitments in services at the WTO is expected to re-ignite in the week starting on 17 October.

outubro 18th

G20 proposals on market access, domestic support

17 October, 2005
The Group of 20 developing countries has presented new proposals on market access and domestic support as part of the WTO agriculture negotiations.