Archive - fev 2004 - Article


fevereiro 27th

Agreement Will Force U.S. Exporters To Label GE Foods

26 February, 2004
Our World is Not For Sale

fevereiro 22nd

CAFTA Benefits Agribusiness Over FarmersAgreement Would Erode Fair Trade And Farmers' Rights

21 February, 2004
'This agreement is consistent with the Bush Administration's approach to agriculture trade - set rules that are highly favorable to transnational corporations at the expense of farmers,' said Dr. Steve Suppan

fevereiro 17th

Report of TWN Forum on the Impact of Trade Liberlisation on Poor Rural Producers

16 February, 2004
The solution, said Das, is to revise the AoA to correct the imbalances. The rich nations' export subsidies should end immediately, and all types of domestic subsidies should be subjected to reduction.

Update from John Clarke, DG Trade, European Commission at ?Civil Society Dialogue? meeting

16 February, 2004
On agriculture it was not necessary for the EU to identify new flexibilities in agriculture, EU had already demonstrated large degree of flexibility which is still extreme sensitive issue.

WTO Simulations on Blended Approach for Tariff Reductions in Agriculture presented to WTO MembershipL

16 February, 2004
After Cancun, developing countries analyzed the so-called blended approach to tariff reform proposed in the Derbez text. The Derbez text was the basis for negotiation in Cancun.

fevereiro 10th

Popular Resistance In Korea Delays FTA And Dispatch Of Troops To Iraq

9 February, 2004
20,000 people gathered in front of the National Assembly in Yeoido, and protested from morning till late night. People had started to gather from 11am and started with a demonstration against the government

fevereiro 9th

Nasty Surprises in the detail of the US Free Trade Agreement

8 February, 2004
'The US government summary version of the US Free Trade Agreement contains some nasty surprises on the price of medicines, Australian content in new media and the Foreign Investment Review Board,' - Dr Patricia Ranald

Greens Call For Senate Veto On FTA

8 February, 2004
'The Howard Government has been slaughtered and Australian industries, agriculture and culture with it,' Senator Brown said.

US Trade Deal: Australian People and Parliament Still In The Dark

8 February, 2004
The Australian Parliament and the Australian people still have little knowledge of the detail of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement, say the Australian Democrats.