Archive - Article

janeiro 12th

The Implications of Dumping of Agricultural Products in Asia: Asian Farmers? Untold Misery

11 January, 2007
The push for tariff reduction worldwide along with the pressure to eliminate production subsidies, which has been largely commanded by the World Trade Organization (WTO), has brought serious repercussions to the dominantly agrarian Asian economies.

Mr. Falconer and the Farm Negotiations

11 January, 2007
As 2007 starts off as a 'make-or-break' year for the languishing Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations, the chair of the current agriculture negotiations - New Zealand's Crawford Falconer - feels strongly that a deal is do-able despite many unresolved issues.

G-33 blasts draft World Bank paper on Special Products as anti-development

11 January, 2007
The G-33 group of 46 developing countries had sent a detailed critique on the initial draft paper authored by Maros Ivanic and Will Martin for the World Bank, pointing out that the paper was fundamentally flawed in its assumptions and methodology, ignored the reality of the prevailing agrarian structures in most developing countries and misinterpreted the proposed operation and impact of Special Products (SPs).

janeiro 11th

Bush’s Trade Power Probably Won’t Be Extended, Congressman Says

10 January, 2007
Congress probably won't extend President George W. Bush's authority to negotiate trade agreements aimed at lowering tariffs and farm subsidies, the chairman of the House Agriculture Committee said today.

WTO chief coming to Bangalore for CII meet

10 January, 2007
World Trade Organization Chief Pascal Lamy is expected to visit India next week to attend the CII Partnership Summit in Bangalore during which he would also seek New Delhi's support to finalise an agreement in the stalled Doha trade liberalisation negotiations by end-March, trade analysts said.

NAMA - Not An Easy Row to Hoe

10 January, 2007
As the negotiating climate for the Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations receives a boost from two major players - the United States and the European Union - increased activity in the nonagricultural market access negotiations is expected in the weeks ahead

US FTA: Will we lose out, too?

10 January, 2007
BY tomorrow, the fourth round of negotiations for the free trade agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and the US would have concluded in San Francisco.

janeiro 10th

Signs grow that WTO talks may soon revive

9 January, 2007
The trade chiefs of the European Union and Japan promised on Wednesday to step up efforts to reach a global trade deal in a fresh sign that stalled five-year-old talks could soon be revived.

20,000 fishermen, farmers protest against FTA

9 January, 2007
A signature campaign in Kedah