Archive - Article

fevereiro 7th, 2007

G-20 Criticizes U.S. Farm Bill Proposal, Calls for Doha Agriculture Deal by Summer

6 February, 2007
The Group of 20 developing country alliance has criticized the Bush administration's proposal for reforming U.S. farm subsidy programs, arguing that the changes would not lead to any real cuts in actual spending.

NAMA Group concludes four days of consultations

6 February, 2007
The WTO Negotiating Group on Market Access for Non-agricultural Products (NAMA) concluded on Thursday 25 January four days of consultations in different formats to advance the technical work in the negotiations. The consultations to advance technical work covered areas such as Ad Valorem Equivalents, Non-Tariff Barriers, Recently Acceded Members and sectorals.

Protest at US embassy as Malaysia-US FTA talks proceed

6 February, 2007
As Malaysia and the US engaged in another round of bilateral talks to finalise a free trade agreement (FTA), a group of citizens staged a peaceful protest outside the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

G33 defends position on SP and SSM

6 February, 2007
A number of G33 ministers present at Davos had issued a statement on behalf of the grouping emphasizing that any convergence on Special Products (SPs) and Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) must not 'subvert the development goals and aspirations of the vast bulk of small, poor and vulnerable producers of developing countries.'

fevereiro 6th

Lamy announces full resumption of negotiations, but real talks elsewhere

5 February, 2007
Full resumption of negotiations (under the Doha work programme) in all negotiating groups was announced Wednesday (31 January) at an informal heads-of-delegation meeting at the WTO by Mr. Pascal Lamy, Director-General and chair of its Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC).

Globalization bigger threat than global warming in worsening food shortage

5 February, 2007
Globalization, not global warming, is the bigger threat to the country

Trade: USTR says no clear landing zone in sight for agreement

5 February, 2007
Coming from the mini-ministerial meeting at Davos, the US Trade Representative, Ms. Susan Schwab, told reporters at a media briefing that there was palpable optimism and a sense of urgency to have a breakthrough in the negotiations.

fevereiro 5th

US FARM BILL 2007 - Setback for developing world as US will extend support to farmers?

4 February, 2007
Consistent with the game being played by developed countries, the US has begun the process of shifting its subsidies under Amber and Blue boxes to Green box through its 2007 Farm Bill proposals.

fevereiro 1st


31 January, 2007
World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy yesterday called on members to resume the suspended Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations fully across the whole spectrum by combining both the multilateral process as well as discreet and bilateral meetings among key players.

A NAMA Caucus

31 January, 2007
The chair of the Doha Development Agenda negotiations on nonagricultural market access Don Stephenson has created what he calls a NAMA caucus of some two dozen key World Trade Organization members to accelerate work on all core issues.