Archive - 2005 - Article

septembre 9th

Portman Optimistic About Doha Talks

8 September, 2005
US Trade Representative Portman expressed optimism Thursday about the future of the Doha round of international trade talks

U.S. Farm Leader Denounces WTO in Korea; Speaks in front of thousands at rally in Seoul

8 September, 2005
Dena Hoff, Secretary of the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC), spoke today in Seoul before tens of thousands of Korean farmers and workers at a rally to commemorate the second anniversary of Mr. Kyung-Hae Lee

septembre 8th

WTO: Some Tough Questions for the G20

7 September, 2005
there are some tougher questions that the G20 Ministers are unlikely to address, yet they are even more critical for the interests of the developing world as a whole

U .S. Mulling Free-Trade Deals With Egypt, South Korea, Malaysia

7 September, 2005
The Bush administration said it's considering separate entreaties from Egypt, Malaysia, South Korea and Switzerland to negotiate free-trade agreements with them.

septembre 6th

EU-Mercosur agree new route map

5 September, 2005
Mercosur and the European Union decided in Brussels to resume the interrupted talks.

Lamy calls for special WTO Ag mtg next Tuesday

5 September, 2005
Lamy has summoned agriculture negotiators to a meeting next Tuesday on the Doha round

Mini-ministerial meeting to be held in Paris

5 September, 2005
Mini-ministerial meeting to be held in Paris at end of month in preparation for December's ministerial meeting in Hong Kong

septembre 5th

Mercosur-EU negotiators meeting at Ministerial Level

4 September, 2005
Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the strategic relationship between Mercosur and the EU.

septembre 2nd

Hong Kong Is the ?Priority? - Lamy

1 September, 2005
Pascal Lamy yesterday declared that the sixth ministerial meeting in Hong Kong set for mid-December remains his 'priority number one'

septembre 1st

Focus on Trade, No 113, Part 2

31 August, 2005