Archive - 2005 - Article

juillet 29th

Geneva News Update, 29 July 2005, 8:00pm

28 July, 2005
The WTO General Council meeting ended today without any of the original anticipated results of additional agreements (or 'first approximations') on agriculture,non-agricultural market access, services and 'development issues.'

?Make or Break' Re-Launch in September

28 July, 2005
Key members of the World Trade Organization yesterday vowed to launch a make-or-break next phase of Doha Development Agenda consultations starting in September to arrive at full modalities in agriculture, market access for industrial products and services

Cafta Vote Clouds Prospects For Other Trade Deals; Bitter Fight Reveals Fears of Globalization, as Talks in Doha Round Languish

28 July, 2005
Congressional approval of a trade pact with six small Central American countries nudged forward the Bush administration's free-trade agenda. But the close vote and bitter fight underscored anxiety about the pace of globalization and clouded prospects for approval of future deals.

Washington Trade Daily

28 July, 2005
The highlight of yesterday's one-year assessment of the Doha Development Agenda farm negotiations focused mostly on the evaluation by agriculture negotiations chairman Tim Groser

Democracy Sold Out - CAFTA Approved by Pork and a Hill of Beans; Razor Thin Vote Seals Fate Against More Expansion of NAFTA

28 July, 2005
At 12:03 am on July 28th, the House of Representatives approved the Central America-Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement, CAFTA. CAFTA, which would expand NAFTA to Central America and the Dominican Republic, would devastate farmers, privatize essential public services, and accelerate the race to the bottom on wages in the US and all over Central America.

A Bitter Pill for the WTO and Activists to Swallow

28 July, 2005
WTO authorities played down the significance of the new stalemate in the Doha Round of talks and the threat hanging over the sixth ministerial conference in Hong Kong. But civil society organisations see the multilateral trade system's latest fiasco in a much more serious light.

juillet 28th

Ambassador Jara's report to the Trade Negotiations Committee

27 July, 2005
Following the World Trade Organization (WTO) Mini-Ministerial Meeting in Dalian, China earlier this month, Ambassador Alejandro Jara, Chairman of the WTO Council for Trade in Services Special Session, issued a report on the state of play in the Doha Round services negotiations.

Press release: Passage of DR-CAFTA Bad News for Farmers

27 July, 2005
The passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in the U.S. House of Representatives late last night signals a major setback for U.S. sugar farmers and a damaging blow to Central American farmers

India's Revamped Services Offer

27 July, 2005
India yesterday offered a substantial market-opening for foreign financial services companies

NAMA chair confirms impasse in NAMA negotiations

27 July, 2005
The talks on non-agricultural market access(NAMA) are at an impasse on key issues and the consultations at the WTO this weekcould not come up with agreement, according to Ambassador Stefan Johannesson ofIceland.