Archive - juin 2003 - Article

juin 30th

Northern Agriculture Subsidies Attacked At Ecosoc High Lebvel Session

29 June, 2003
The 'evil' generated by this misdirected welfare policy affects poor-country farmers who are financing the social welfare doled out to rich-country farmers, according to Ricupero.

juin 26th

Meeting between U.S. NGOs and Pascal Lamy on June 26, 2003

25 June, 2003
Some of the groups present: National Wildlife Federation, OXFAM U.S., FoE, WWF, Consumers Choice Council, Sierra Club, AFL-CIO, CIEL, Humane Society, Bread for the World, Public Citizen. The meeting lasted for about one hour and was basically a question & answer session.

juin 24th

3rd World Activists Debate Biotech Industry& US Gov't In Sacramento

23 June, 2003
An eclectic crowd of nearly 1,000 filled the Crest Theater Monday night for the only public debate in conjunction with this week's international agriculture conference at the Sacramento Convention Center.

juin 23rd

India Calls For meaningful Package On Implementation, S&D Issues And Resolution Of TRIPS & Public Health Before Cancun

22 June, 2003
The statement of the Commerce and Industry Minister Shri Arun Jaitley was read out by Shri S.N. Menon, Additional Secretary, as the Minister had to leave on 22 June to join the Prime Minister in Beijing.

Free Trade Myths Behind Push For WTO Investment Agreement Exposed

22 June, 2003
The European Union has been the driving force behind calls for an investment agreement through the WTO, with the European Commission claiming this will bring development benefits to recipient countries.

India Cautions On Singapore Issues

22 June, 2003
The statement said that India had consistently opposed expansion of the WTO agenda to include new issues.

Activists Say U.S. Manipulating Meet to Promote GM Food

22 June, 2003
'It is a myth that science and technology play a critical role in reducing hunger in developing countries. The claim that we must accept genetically engineered foods if we are to feed the poor in the Third World is simply 'poorwashing',' -Anuradha Mittal

juin 19th

Doha Programme Hasn't Fulfilled Development Promise, WTO Symposium Told

18 June, 2003
Khor said that the Doha declaration had stated that developing countries' needs and interests would be at the heart of its programme. But this had turned out to be empty rhetoric.

Enron-Style Corporate Crime And Privatization: A Look At The U.S. Coalition Of Service Industries

18 June, 2003
With prime access to elite government and corporate circles, its various corporate members gain handsomely from international trade agreements, from IMF or World Bank handouts, and from privatization programs.

juin 17th

The Decision-making Process And The Single Undertaking

16 June, 2003
Are WTO members courageous enough to define 'explicit consensus?' Allow me to define it for you as the following: Unless people state an approval to negotiate, there is no explicit consensus.