Archive - mai 2003 - Article


mai 29th

Restricted WTO Documents Outline Non-Transparent Cancun Preparatory Process

28 May, 2003
These two documents are important to understand the process leading to Cancun. The DG and Chairman's statements clearly indicate, as stated in Aileen Kwa's recent article 'Countdown to Cancun', that WTO is in the process of becoming 'Chair driven' rather than 'member driven.'

Restricted WTO Documents Outline Non-Transparent Cancun Preparatory Process

28 May, 2003
An extremely problematic feature of this process is that the Chair states,'Clearly, the informal HODs will need to be complemented by consultations by both of us in a variety of smaller configuration to address specific issues and problems.

mai 25th

Seminar On Investment Calls On Developing Countries Not To Be Coerced Into WTO Investment Negotiations

24 May, 2003
On 18-20 May, an international seminar was held in Delhi, India, to discuss trade, investment and development.

mai 20th

Coherence Between World Bank, IMF And WTO: A Flawed Agenda For Development

19 May, 2003
Last week's WTO General Council Meeting, May13, is seen as a 'historic' event by the Secretariat because for the first time, the heads of the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the WTO met with the entire membership of the WTO.

mai 16th

WTO Mini-Ministerial In Egypt June 21-22 To Focus On Market Access, Other Issues

15 May, 2003
Supporters of the 'mini-ministerial' process, including Zoellick and Lamy, have argued that it tends to keep top trade officials fully engaged in WTO issues and this year will help pave the way for a smooth ministerial meeting in Cancun.

U.S. Wants 'High-Standards' Investment Pact At WTO, But Will Not Block Progress In Talks

15 May, 2003
'It's a fairly difficult process,' the official said. 'But we're hopeful.'