Archive - 2006 - Article

novembro 28th

Attacking China on Services

27 November, 2006
Industrialized countries - led by the United States, the European Union, Canada and Japan - yesterday attacked China in the World Trade Organization for not complying with its accession commitments in the areas of financial services

KCTU General Strike Newsletter # 3

27 November, 2006
More than 200,000 KCTU Members Participated in the full-fledged General Strike on November 22 Over 170,000 people in 13 cities gathered to protest against the KOR-US FTA on the same day

Warnings raised over GE rice imports

27 November, 2006
A VARIETY of genetically engineered (GE) rice yet to be approved for human consumption throughout the world except in the United States has found its way into the Philippine market, the activist environment group Greenpeace said Tuesday.

novembro 25th

novembro 23rd

novembro 22nd

Americans Protest U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement in Seoul

21 November, 2006
An American delegation of peace, labor and social justice activists led by Cindy Sheehan is in Seoul to join the nationwide mobilization against the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.

US tells India to open up for global trade

21 November, 2006
The United States on Tuesday reiterated that resolving the issue of market access was important for the Doha round of talks to be successful. It said that India could lift millions of its people out of poverty by further opening up to global trade.

novembro 21st

Sacu-US to pursue scaled-back trade talks after FTA process ceases

20 November, 2006
The South African Customs Unions (Sacu) has formally accepted an offer made by the US government to progress a so-called trade and investment cooperation agreement (Tica), following the breakdown of the more ambitious free-trade agreement (FTA) talks earlier in the year.

A "soft resumption" of the WTO Doha talks?

20 November, 2006
An informal heads of delegation meeting was held at the WTO on Thursday 16 November. The meeting heard Lamy say the Doha talks were in between quite diplomacy and full-fledged negotiations. It is up to the chairs (of the negotiating groups) to decide the next step (in theirareas).

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) Launches a General Strike

20 November, 2006
Full-pledged General Strike Being Launched from November 22 in Korea.