Archive - Article

março 22nd, 2006

Poor fail to benefit from World Bank trade aid: study

21 March, 2006
Billions of dollars of World Bank money to promote trade in poorer countries has given disappointing returns in alleviating poverty, an independent study said Wednesday. Over three decades of trade assistance, the global lender has failed to do enough to cushion the blow of liberalisation on poorer citizens in targeted countries, the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) said.

India Would Rather See Doha Round Fail Than Accept Bad Deal, Trade Official Says

21 March, 2006
As fundamental differences continue to stall progress in the World Trade Organization's Doha Development Round of trade talks, a senior official from the Indian Ministry of Commerce and Industry said March 20 that India would rather see the talks fail than accept an agreement that went against its interests.

Updates on political prosecution against WTO Protestors

21 March, 2006
Today, the hearing, in relation to the political prosecution against WTO protestors, was ended after all the witnesses finished the testimonies and the final submission by both prosecutor and defending lawyer.

março 21st

NAMA Simulations

20 March, 2006
A link to the results from the NAMA simulations. It was sent by the U.S. to the Chair of the NAMA negotiations to circulate to all members.

Collective Requests: Services related to agriculture, MFN exemptions, Distribution Services

20 March, 2006
Links to collective services requests related to agriculture, MFN exemptions and distribution services.

Post Hong Kong Negotiations' farmers groups skeptical of IndiaR17's position

20 March, 2006
The Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers

março 20th

WTO deadlock persists as clock ticks on Doha talks

19 March, 2006
The lack of a breakthrough at the London meeting of the 'Group of 6' Ministers last weekend does not quite spell disaster for the Doha negotiations nor the end of hopes that a final deal can be attained before the US President's fast track authority runs out.

Carnegie study: Most developing countries would be net losers under Doha Round

19 March, 2006
A new study on the impact of global trade liberalization on real incomes under the current WTO Doha round has challenged conventional wisdom, showing the benefits for the world economy are lower than usually touted and some developing countries, rather than seeing benefits, come out losers in many scenarios.

março 17th

G24 meeting warned of de-industrialization effects of NAMA talks

16 March, 2006
The proposals for cutting tariffs of industrial products in the World Trade Organisation's current negotiations will have significant adverse effects on developing countries' industrialization, according to a paper presented at the Group of 24 Technical Group meeting held in Geneva on Friday 17 March.

março 16th

Poorest Nations Hit Hardest by WTO Agenda, Study Finds

15 March, 2006
According to 'Winners and Losers' by Sandra Polaski, a researcher with the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the so-called Doha Development Round, which launched the current trade World Trade Organisation talks, will not actually generate development benefits for poor nations as initially promised.