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junho 29th, 2006

WTO must reform to stop rich countries' underhand tactics

28 June, 2006
Threats, deception and manipulation are among the negotiating tactics used by rich countries in the current round of trade talks reveals a new report, The Doha Deception Round: How the US and EU cheated developing countries at the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial, launched today by ActionAid.

Mini-Ministerial not legitimate, says NGO letter to Ministers

28 June, 2006
A group of over 100 civil society organizations has denounced the mini-Ministerial meeting to be held in Geneva in the next days as not legitimate as it does not allow for the effective participation of all Ministers.

The Doha Round: A disaster for Farmers around the world

28 June, 2006
Press statement: Farmer leaders representing the international peasant movement La Via Campesina are in Geneva to express their rejection of the WTO Doha Round. The agreement currently negotiated in

junho 28th

NAMA modalities paper criticised by NAMA-11

27 June, 2006
The NAMA-11 group of developing countries has strongly criticised the paper relating to modalities for non-agricultural market access(NAMA) for its unhelpful structure, for omitting the views of members or not reflecting their views accurately in some areas, and for creating confusion as to whether the textual language provided on specific issues was supposed to enjoy agreement or were merely put forward by the Chair under his own responsibility.

A Marathon G-6 Ministerial

27 June, 2006
Trade chiefs of the Group-of-Six nations will meet Thursday in a 'last-ditch' effort to resolve all the remaining issues in the trade-distorting domestic support and market access pillars of Doha Development Agenda farm trade negotiations

Sequencing the WTO 'Ministerial' and Scenarios of the Stages it has to Clear

27 June, 2006
A document listing issues to be tackled at the WTO 'Mini-Ministerial' starting on 30 June, and the sequence in which the discussion will take place, was discussed in a Green Room meeting of about 30 Ambassadors with WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy on Tuesday 27 June morning.

Planning the End of the Beginning

27 June, 2006
World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy yesterday circulated a revised list of issues designed for discussion by the 30-plus trade ministers that arrive here this week in an attempt to conclude negotiating modalities for the Doha Development Agenda trade in agriculture and nonagricultural market access.

African metalworker unions on WTO

27 June, 2006
Affiliates of the International Metalworkers' Federation in Africa have just released a statement on the current proposals of the WTO arguing that they will have a negative impact on developing countries and undermine development, in particular in Africa and, in turn, will increase the pressure on workers in the more industrialised nations.

More than 70 European NGOs demand a new approach to the multilateral trading system

27 June, 2006
Over 70 European Civil Society Organisations from 21 countries [1] have today demanded a halt to the Doha round of the WTO talks. Tomorrow, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson and the European foreign ministers will meet in Geneva for a WTO Mini-Ministerial, which will attempt to strike a last minute deal to rescue the stalled negotiations.

Pre Mini Ministerial Negotiations; Members Question Lamy-Driven Process

27 June, 2006
The Chairs of the Agriculture and NAMA (Non-Agricultural Market Access) negotiating committees, NZ Ambassador Crawford Falconer and Canada