Archive - Article

julho 27th, 2004

Africa Group Proposes Changes To NAMA Annex

26 July, 2004
Africa Group Proposes Changes To NAMA Annex

Flawed July Framework Must be Rejected

26 July, 2004
There is only one thing that developing country governments can do with he proposed July framework: dump it.

julho 26th

Diverse Positions On Agriculture In The Recent Negotiations

25 July, 2004
As on the night of Monday 26 July, many delegations have reported that in their view there are still many deep differences among members and major groupings, and no breakthrough in the talks.

julho 20th

Developing Countries' Initial Responses To The Draft July Package

19 July, 2004
Ambassador Matthew Nwagwu of Nigeria, speaking on behalf of the Africa Group, said the Group expects an all inclusive and transparent process in further work on the draft.

Sugar: CPE Proposes A Different Reform For A Responsible And Sustainable Sugar Production

19 July, 2004
The reform proposed by the European Commission is not the one the European Farmers Coordination and the countries of the South need.

Framework For Modalities Or 'Platform' For Future Careers?

19 July, 2004
The WTO has set itself an end-July deadline for a framework package to relaunch the negotiations, and an attempt to rush through the Oshima-Supachai package.

julho 19th

WTO July Package: A Pared Down Agenda Still Full Of Controversy

18 July, 2004
Although pared down - investment, competition and government procurement have been dropped - the framework is still likely to pose problems for many countries.

julho 16th

Comments On The July General Council Draft Decision

15 July, 2004
The development concerns are not given priority or even recognition and respect, in many areas (especially in NAMA, S and D, implementation and agriculture) and in overall balance.

julho 14th

G90 Meeting hears views on July package from G90 groupings, G20, EU and US

13 July, 2004
Amorim said that the G20 was formed in the lead up to Cancun to make sure that a framework for trade in agriculture would lead to an outcome in line with the interests of the developing countries and in keeping with the Doha mandate.

Groser's 'Semantic Skills' May Decide July Package Fate

13 July, 2004
The US in effect would like to create a 'special blue box' for itself, to accommodate the mandatory counter-cyclical payments provided by its post-Doha Farm legislation of 2002.