Archive - Article

abril 8th, 2005

WTO says gambling a U.S. services commitment, but U.S. sees way out

7 April, 2005
The World Trade Organization's Appellate Body yesterday (April 7) upheld a 2004 panel ruling that the U.S. had agreed to allow cross-border gambling services under its Uruguay Round services commitments, a decision that could lead to future challenges of U.S. regulations on gambling.

abril 7th

Official website of the WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong

6 April, 2005
Official website of the WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong

CAFTA No Benefit for North American and Central American Family Farmers

6 April, 2005
It's not too late for citizens to voice their objection that CAFTA, like earlier free trade agreements, will further destroy our nation's sovereignty.

India clarifies it does not support WIPO?s Casablanca outcome

6 April, 2005
Please see below an article on India clarifying its position on the Casablanca meeting held by the DG of the WIPO. This article was published in the South-North Development Monitor (SUNS) of 11 April 2005.(M.Khor)

abril 6th

Disappointing results for South so far in GATS talks

5 April, 2005
The services negotiations in the WTO have so far not attained an overall balance of rights and obligations, the increase in developing countries' service exports has been small, and the initial offers by major trading partners has been disappointing for developing countries.(M.Khor)

GATS negotiators debate if there is a ?crisis? in WTO services talks

5 April, 2005
Some key players in the services negotiations in the WTO believe the talks are in a state of crisis because of the lack of offers or serious offers by many members so far. (M.Khor)

'GATS talks will move only with a ?big leap? in Mode 4'

5 April, 2005
Developing countries are likely to move forward in the WTO services negotiations only if there is a

US supports Lamy for president of WTO

5 April, 2005
The former French EU commissioner for trade and candidate for the World Trade Organisation

abril 5th

Heated discussion as TRIPS and health deadline is missed

4 April, 2005
The WTO for the second time missed the deadline for concluding a 'permanent solution' to the problem facing countries that have no or inadequate drug manufacturing capacity so that they can have access to affordable medicines.(M.Khor)