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novembro 21st, 2005

Only a Few Reap the Benefits of Growth in Agriculture

20 November, 2005
Latin America and the Caribbean are demanding that the world's rich countries dismantle their protectionist systems of farm subsidies as they seek to sustain and expand on the success enjoyed by farm exports in the region, which have, however, failed to provide significant benefits for the broader population.

novembro 19th

Agriculture is the engine of the negotiations, stresses G20

18 November, 2005
Agriculture lies at the centre of the Doha Round and is the engine of the negotiations, the Group of 20 developing countries stressed on 9 November in a Ministerial press statement.

Mood of uncertainty in WTO on production of Ministerial text and process

18 November, 2005
Following the decision last week to lower expectations on what the Hong Kong Ministerial meeting will achieve, there is an atmosphere of uncertainty as to the process between now and the Hong Kong meeting, as well as after.

novembro 18th

EU to make new offer on cotton in WTO talks

17 November, 2005
The European Union is poised to make a new offer to poor countries on reducing subsidies to EU cotton growers and lowering barriers to the EU market ahead of a key WTO meeting in December, the European Commission said.

novembro 17th

EU rounds on critics over stalled WTO talks

16 November, 2005
The European Union rounded on critics of its hardline stance on farm aid in embattled world trade talks, saying they should spend less time 'finger-pointing' and more effort seeking compromise.

novembro 16th

United States Ratchets Down Expectations For WTO Ministerial Meeting in December

15 November, 2005
Bliss said that the administration continues to be 'mindful' of congressional 'sensitivities' concerning calls by India and other developing countries for agreement in the WTO on facilitating the temporary cross-border movement of professional personnel--known as Mode 4--and that the United States has no plans to propose any new initiative in the area.

Taiwan Premier Vows to Protect Farming Interests in Wto Meeting

15 November, 2005
Taiwan farmers' interests must be protected and this will be the top priority of a national delegation taking part in a World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha round ministerial-level meeting next month in Hong Kong, Premier Frank Hsieh said Tuesday.

State of NAMA negotiations 'bad and confusing', according to chairman

15 November, 2005
The state of negotiations in the WTO on non-agricultural market access (NAMA) is 'bad' and the picture is becoming more confused, according to the chairperson of the NAMA negotiating group.

17 ways the European Commission is pushing trade liberalization on poor countries

15 November, 2005
In the run-up to the World Trade Organisation meeting in Hong Kong in December, the European Union is leading a big push to deepen

novembro 15th

US, EU need to 'go further' on agriculture: Blair

14 November, 2005
British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the United States and the European Union to 'go further' on agriculture to make a success of next month's World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Hong Kong.