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janeiro 10th

Thai workers to stage a rally in front of the US embassy

9 January, 2006
Press statement: Trade unions from state enterprises union confederations and different industrial areas including Rungsit, Omnoi-Omyai, Ayuthaya, Prapadaeng and the Eastern part of Thailand will stage a rally in front of the US embassy on 10th January 2006 to

Final copy of WTO 6th Ministerial Conference Declaration

9 January, 2006
For download is the final Hong Kong Declaration adopted on the last day of the ministerial conference.

janeiro 9th

WTO Protesters Stage Hunger Strike

8 January, 2006
On Jan. 8 the streets of Hong Kong were ringing once again with anti-WTO chants as hundreds of people marched for all charges to be dropped against the 14 protesters --11 Koreans and three from Japan, Taiwan and China -- who were charged in the aftermath of the World Trade Organization conference held here last month.

The action against WTO is not over

8 January, 2006

ATTAC Germany demands release of 14 HK protesters

8 January, 2006
Press release: ATTAC Germany, a globalisation critical network has demanded, in a public letter to the Chinese Embassy, the dropping of all charges against the 14 demonstrators arrested during the protests at the WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong last month.

Status of W.T.O. Protesters Is Thorny Issue in Hong Kong

8 January, 2006
The prosecution of 14 people here following a violent demonstration at the World Trade Organization conference last month is turning into a contentious and diplomatically sticky issue for the governments of Hong Kong, China and South Korea.

janeiro 8th

10,000 protest US-Thai FTA talks

7 January, 2006
Thousands of Thais representing a diverse swath of society ranging from garlic growers to HIV/AIDS activists gathered outside a hotel in Thailand

janeiro 7th

The high cost of free trade

6 January, 2006
When the free trade agreement with the United States kicked in a year ago, Bill Rush saw his big chance. His company, Australian Defence Apparel, makes ceramic plates to be worn over bulletproof vests to protect troops against armour-piercing fire. The Australian-owned company has beaten German and Israeli competition to supply the British Army and London Metropolitan Police with its plates. The prospect of a $40 million-plus sale to the US Army beckoned.

janeiro 6th

Farm groups disappointed with Hong Kong, wary of new Farm Bill

5 January, 2006
U.S. farm groups disappointed with the result of the Hong Kong ministerial say they will oppose a future Doha round deal and reduced subsidies in a new farm bill unless a multilateral deal produces real market access gains, particularly in developing countries.