Archive - mai 2, 2006


Quick Analysis of US Proposal on SSM

1 May, 2006
A quick critique on recent US proposal on SSM developed by ActionAid in the light of their recent research project on import surges; also attached is US proposal in this regard.

April wheat stocks at twice the buffer norms

1 May, 2006
The government decision to import 3.5 million tonne wheat for maintaining the buffer stock may soon prove to have been needlessly hasty as the stock in the central pool is already more than double the norm set for April.

Lamy calls for shared sense of urgency in the trade negotiations

1 May, 2006
Director-General Pascal Lamy, in his introductory statement to the Trade Negotiations Committee on 1 May 2006, said that finding consensus in the negotiations 'remains doable, but only if a sense of urgency-which I feel is not always shared by all-starts appearing in each and every delegation' 'We must now focus our efforts on working intensively, continuously and in an effective manner on a text-based negotiating process, which is solidly anchored in Geneva', he added.