Archive - jan 2006

janeiro 31st

G10 Proposals on Agriculture: Domestic Support and Sensitive Products

30 January, 2006
Links to proposals on Domestic Support and the Treatment of Sensitive Products.

janeiro 30th

India, Japan Press for 'Final Text'

29 January, 2006
At a Group-of-Six informal meeting last Friday, India and Japan pressed World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy to prepare a 'final text' in preparation for wrapping up the four-year-old Doha Development Agenda negotiations.

Ministers to accelerate pace of Doha talks

29 January, 2006
Ministers have promised to start making the vital trade-offs that will enable the stuttering Doha round of global trade talks to reach its target of an outline deal by the end of April.

WTO delays ruling in GMO dispute until next week

29 January, 2006
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has again delayed a ruling, due on Wednesday, in a closely watched dispute over the European Union's policy on genetically modified foods and crops (GMO).

janeiro 25th

Big business lobbyists have undue influence on trade talks

24 January, 2006
Corporate lobbyists have an undue influence on the current global trade talks, says a new report by ActionAid International. The report launches on the first day of the World Economic Forum at Davos, where 25 trade ministers will meet for a 'mini-ministerial'.

janeiro 20th

EU signals to member states no new WTO farm offer imminent

19 January, 2006
In advance of a major speech on the Doha round by European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, the top EU official in Geneva this week told member states the that EU has no plans to put forward a new offer to reduce its farm tariffs.

janeiro 18th

From ?protest WTO? Hong Kong to ?Stop FTA? in Thailand: Movements are learning from each other: We are not losing the battle!

17 January, 2006
An article reporting on the movement in Thailand learning experiences from global struggles against neo-liberal policy; WTO and FTA in particular

EU prepares for bruising WTO ruling in biotech case

17 January, 2006
Europe may suffer a bruising next month when a world trade panel delivers its long-awaited verdict on whether the EU's six-year blockade on biotech crops and foods was tantamount to a protectionist trade barrier.

janeiro 17th

Geneva Update, 17 January 2006: Breaking out of the mold: Reflections on the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong

16 January, 2006
contents are: 1) What happened in Hong Kong?; 2) Agriculture: the art of deception; 3) Services: another win for corporations; 4) NAMA: reducing development to a formula; 5) Development Package: a slap in the face; 6) The Way Forward: asking the questions; and 7) Documents

Japan govt says determined to protect farmers from free trade

16 January, 2006
Japan plans to resist pressure from major food exporting nations such as the United States to reduce protection for its farmers in global trade talks, its agriculture minister said.