Archive - juill. 15, 2015 - Article


Des délégués du SCFP en Colombie pour s'opposer à un accord commercial secret

13 July, 2015
L’initiative de première ligne est un projet conjoint de quatre syndicats du secteur public national : le Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes (STTP), l’Alliance de la fonction publique du Canada (AFPC), le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP) et le Syndicat national des employés généraux du secteur public (SNEGSP), qui s’associent à des syndicats frères en Colombie pour lutter contre la privatisation des services publics et renforcer mutuellement leurs combats pour défendre les droits de la personne et des travailleurs. La délégation en Colombie a assisté à un important exposé sur l’Accord sur le commerce des services (ACS), un traité commercial international proposé qui, s’il est ratifié, exposera les services publics en Colombie, au Canada et dans 48 autres pays à un risque extrême.

Post-Bali work programme not doable by end-July, says DG Azevedo

14 July, 2015
Several developing countries on Wednesday (July 8) expressed their frustration with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Roberto Azevedo's announcement that the work program with precise modalities for concluding the Doha Development Round (DDR) trade negotiations will not be delivered by end-July.

Nairobi MC10 must deliver on development, say CSOs

9 July, 2015
Some 341 global civil society organisations (CSOs) on Wednesday underlined that if the upcoming tenth ministerial conference (MC10) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to be held in Nairobi, Kenya is to be a "success", it must deliver on development and turn around the WTO.

Canadian move for new landing zones spurned

10 July, 2015
Major developing countries - China, India, Brazil, and South Africa - unambiguously rejected on Friday (July 3), a proposal from Canada to set "new landing zones" in the Doha agriculture package without adhering to the existing mandates that were negotiated since 2001, trade envoys told the SUNS.

Nairobi MC can't end DDA without "credible" developmental outcomes

8 June, 2015
Kenya's foreign minister, Ms. Amina Mohamed, said here on Wednesday (July 1) that the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations cannot be concluded without "credible" developmental outcomes at the World Trade Organisation (WTO)'s tenth ministerial conference in Nairobi later in the year, several trade envoys told the SUNS.

US-EU block permanent solution for food security public stockholding

2 July, 2015
Major developed countries, particularly the United States and the European Union, have vehemently opposed a proposal from the G-33 coalition for a permanent solution for public stockholding programmes for food security in the developing countries, several trade envoys told SUNS.

Azevedo ideas in agriculture surface as Australia-Canada non-paper

29 June, 2015
A proposal floated by the World Trade Organization Director-General Roberto Azevedo during his meetings with seven major developed and developing countries to bring about convergence on the domestic support pillar of the Doha agriculture package has now surfaced in a non-paper issued by Australia and Canada, several trade envoys told the SUNS.

DG report to HOD raises more questions than answers

25 June, 2015
A report presented by the World Trade Organization Director-General Roberto Azevedo on Wednesday (June 17) about his consultations with select trade envoys in different configurations raised more questions than answers over the continued attempts to rescue one major developed country which remains opposed to a developmental outcome in the domestic support pillar of the agriculture package for concluding the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) trade negotiations by the end of the year.

Agriculture: Rev. 4 text must be basis, insist majority of South nations

22 June, 2015
A majority of developing countries, at an informal meeting of the Special Session of the WTO Agriculture Committee on Tuesday (16 June), underlined that the Rev. 4 draft agriculture modalities text should remain the basis for moving forward the negotiations in agriculture.

Strong support for LDC pharmaceuticals exemption request

17 June, 2015
A large majority of Members, mainly developing countries, have voiced strong support at the meeting of the TRIPS Council (9-10 June) for the request by the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for an extension of the transitional period with regard to the intellectual property protection of pharmaceutical products, which is set to expire on 1 January 2016.