Archive - août 30, 2006 - Article

A G-20 Test For Resuming DDA

29 August, 2006
Trade ministers of the developing-country Group-of-20 coalition will meet in Rio de Janeiro September 9 and 10 to finalize a position on how to revive the suspended Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations - a first indication of whether a turnaround in the negotiations is possible.

US presses China to take Doha role

29 August, 2006
China would damage its robust economy and hinder its own policy objectives if it embraced economic nationalism, Susan Schwab, the US trade representative, said in Beijing yesterday.

US may cut farm subsidies, says Das

29 August, 2006
(Bhagirath Lal Das) says the WTO negoiations are likely to resume in September and conclude in time to enable the US fast track authority to approve of the decision before June 2007.