Archive - juin 17, 2006 - Article

NAMA-11 developing countries submit comprehensive proposals for NAMA modalities

16 June, 2006
With just a few days to go before the draft NAMA modalities are scheduled to be produced by the Chair of the NAMA negotiations, the NAMA-11 group of developing countries on Thursday 15 June presented a comprehensive set of proposals at a NAMA meeting to ensure that their concerns are taken into account.

Africa Group proposes WTO modalities on commodities

16 June, 2006
A comprehensive proposal to establish modalities on commodity issues as part of the WTO's agriculture modalities under the Doha Work Programme has been submitted to the WTO by the Africa Group.

Union and Farm Leaders Voice Opposition to U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement

16 June, 2006
On June 7, 2006, against the backdrop of the nation's capitol, prominent Korean leaders representing farmers, trade unions, and peasants addressed a packed balcony of press and congressional staffers, voicing their opposition to the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

On the right path to development: African Countries Pave the Way

16 June, 2006
The June 7 proposal by the African Group (an alliance of 41 African countries) to the WTO on managing trade in agricultural commodities is a refreshing way forward for addressing poverty and improving living standards in rural areas in the context of the Doha Agenda.