Archive - mai 11, 2006 - Article

Joint Communication from the G-33, African Group, ACP, and LDCS on Special Products and the Special Safeguard Mechanism

10 May, 2006
A Joint Manifesto or the G33, Africa Group, ACP, and LDC Groups, representing the majority of the members of the 150-member WTO declaring their full support for SP and SSM mandated by the Hong Kong Declaration, and that no deal is possible that treats SP and SSM from a purely market access or commercial perspective, or that detracts or derogates the developmental value and dimension of SP and SSM in this DDA Round to the millions or resource-poor farmers all around the world who will be dependent on SPs and the SSM to assure their food security, livelihood security and rural development concerns.

G-33 Contribution on the Chairman's Reference Paper on Special Products

10 May, 2006
G33 Comments on the Chairman's Reference Paper on Special Products, that details concerns regarding the paper's lack of elucidation of the G33 and developmental perspective, and introduction of non-mandated criteria for the self-designation of SPs and the determination of the appropriate number of tariff lines.

Managing the Challenges of Two Participation: 45 Case Studies

10 May, 2006
This compilation of forty-five case studies documents disparate experiences among economies in addressing the challenges of participating in the WTO. It demonstrates that success or failure is strongly influenced by how governments and private-sector stakeholders organize themselves at home. The contributors, mainly from developing countries, give examples of participation with lessons for others.