Archive - mars 1, 2005 - Article

Electricity Laws May Break Trade Rules, Lawyer says NAFTA, WTO Policies and Treaties Involved; Queen's Park Official Rejects Arguments

28 February, 2005
Ontario's new electricity laws run afoul of international trade rules and could trigger challenges.

Put Development In The 'Development Round' - Ministers Urged

28 February, 2005
WTO is highly criticized for its secrecy and behind the scenes manipulations. The so called Green Room process, where a small group of countries meet and crucial decisions are taken on behalf of the whole membership, is still prevailing.

Put development in the 'Development Round' - Ministers urged

28 February, 2005
The exclusive group of WTO members meeting this week in Mombasa, must put development at the forefront of their talks.

Put development in the 'Development Round' - Ministers urged

28 February, 2005
The exclusive group of WTO members meeting this week in Mombasa, must put development at the forefront of their talks.

Making the case for ambitious tariff cuts in the WTO's non-agricultural market access

28 February, 2005
A new paper from the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) calling for very ambitious industrial tariff reductions.

Inequity in International Agricultural Trade:The Marginalization of Developing Countries and Their Small Farmers

28 February, 2005
This new report analyzes State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO).

Annan Nominates WTO Chief To Head UNCTAD

28 February, 2005
'Dr. Supachai has done an outstanding job as Director-General of the World Trade Organization'- Annan