Archive - oct. 31, 2005 - Article

Services: Developing Countries jointly object to 'targets' in Ministerial draft; and attack EU paper

30 October, 2005
Fourteen developing countries have issued a joint paper during the services negotiations at the WTO objecting to having any reference to 'targets' as an negotiating approach in the services text of the Ministerial Declaration for the forthcoming WTO conference in Hong Kong.

EU agriculture proposal shifts burden to Developing Countries in NAMA and Services

30 October, 2005
The European Union on Friday 28 October afternoon presented a new proposal on agriculture which also contains its demands on other areas, especially services and non agricultural market access.

Open Invitation: Asian Movements? Strategy Meeting against WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting

30 October, 2005
Korean movements have designated 13th to 19th November to be a week of action against APEC, with a people