Archive - déc. 16, 2005

As WTO giants bicker on food aid, thousands die - U.N.

15 December, 2005
Europe and the United States should be throwing their efforts into increasing food aid instead of arguing about the form it takes, a top U.N. food aid official said on Friday

World trade talks in disarray as rows rage on

15 December, 2005
World trade talks plunged into disarray on Friday as rich nations exchanged accusations over their long-protected farm markets and struggled even to agree on a package of measures to help the world's poorest.

US organizations support demand for withdrawal of 'Annex C' on services - end pressure on developing countries in services talks

15 December, 2005
As U.S.-based nongovernmental organizations, we support developing countries

Lamy Sets Morning Deadline For Amendments To Declaration Text

15 December, 2005
World Trade Organization Director General Pascal Lamy has set a 6 a.m. Dec. 17 deadline for members to offer proposals for amending a Hong Kong ministerial declaration to further define the goals for the Doha round.

Stop the Doha Rounda, No to further trade liberalization in agriculture! Geto WTO out of agriculture and fisheries!

15 December, 2005
Declaration of the Intl Seminar on WTO, Food Sovereignty and Alternatives to Globalization

IBON challenges new 'G-120' in the WTO

15 December, 2005
Philippine-based think-tank IBON Foundation challenges the governments of the new underdeveloped country alliance to genuinely assert poor countries

Frustration builds at WTO talks as EU and US stand firm

15 December, 2005
The European Union and the United States stuck to their guns at the WTO talks, with both sides repeating demands for concessions on key issues as frustration grew over the lack of progress.

Revealing the Empty Promises of the U.S. Development Package ?Pledges? Announced at Hong Kong

15 December, 2005
detailed, footnoted take out of US development package proposal demonstrating why it is of no value and poses significant risks

WTO Pact Reached on Plan To Help Poor Countries

15 December, 2005
Negotiators at a World Trade Organization meeting reached an agreement on a draft text Friday that would grant duty-free and quota-free access to imports from so-called least developing countries

Public Services Threatened Under New WTO Talks

15 December, 2005
Vital social services such as water, education and health may soon be beyond the reach of the poorest Filipinos if current World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations on services liberalization are successful, according to the Our World is not for Sale (OWINFS) global coalition against the multilateral trade body.