Archive - nov. 10, 2005

WTO members acknowldge failure in latest WTO talks

9 November, 2005
Top WTO negotiators said they had failed to bridge key differences on a global trade accord in talks this week and acknowledged that the scope of a crucial ministerial meeting in Hong Kong next month would have to be scaled back.

'Recalibrating' Hong Kong and rescheduling WTO negotiations

9 November, 2005
WTO members invited to a 'super Green Room' meeting at the WTO headquarters have significantly scaled down their expectations of the outcome of the WTO's Hong Kong Ministerial conference in December.

WTO Ministerial Talks in Disarray As EU Lashes Out at G-20 Members

9 November, 2005
Preparations for the World Trade Organization's important ministerial conference in Hong Kong were thrown into disarray following two days of fruitless ministerial talks in Geneva Nov. 8-9, where member governments essentially gave up on achieving their stated goals for the December gathering.