Key Positions and Statements

OWINFS has two “flagship” statements that reflects our basis of unity. The first is “No New Round – Turn Around.” This is an international statement written in advance of the 1999 WTO Ministerial in Seattle — calling on WTO member-nations to reject expansion or a “new round”—and, instead, to roll-back harmful WTO provisions and policies. This statement was signed by nearly 1500 organizations in the run-up to the Ministerial.

The second statement is the “Our World is not for Sale: WTO – Shrink or Sink!” This international “sign-on” statement, prepared after the Seattle Ministerial, lays out eleven transformational demands aimed at the WTO. Active OWINFS members have signed onto the statement.

In addition, OWINFS has developed specific and more detailed statements around issues such as protecting basic services, namely, “Stop the GATS Attack Now” - which can be read at - and challenging the fundamental lack of democracy within the WTO. For more information and questions about OWINFS, please e-mail