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Just Before Round of Negotiations on the Proposed “Trade in Services Agreement (TISA),” Wikileaks Releases Second Set of Updated Secret Documents

2 July, 2015
Today, Wikileaks released a second batch of the most updated draft texts on the proposed TISA, along with substantive analysis, on each of four cross-cutting annexes: Financial Services, Telecommunications, Electronic Commerce, and Maritime Transport. This follows on their release yesterday of texts on Domestic Regulation, the “Movement of Natural Persons,” Transparency, and Government Procurement, along with what WikiLeaks called the journalistic holy grail: the TISA’s Core Text.

Wikileaks revela los peligros del tratado TISA para México

2 July, 2015
En caso de que entre en vigor el Acuerdo sobre el Comercio de Servicios (TISA), cuyo contenido ha sido filtrado por WikiLeaks, supondría un peligro para la exclusividad de los proveedores nacionales del sector público mexicano, según ha revelado un análisis publicado por la mencionada organización mediática internacional.

Time to wave the white flag on TISA secrecy - Prof. Jane Kelsey, July 2, 2015

2 July, 2015
Today, Wikileaks has posted recent texts from April and May 2015, including the proposed core text and annexes on domestic regulation and transparency, and provided expert analysis of those texts (

TiSA WikiLeaked: Winners & losers of multinational trade deal - RT

2 July, 2015
WikiLeaks has published secret “core text” related to the controversial trade agreement currently being negotiated behind closed doors between the US, EU and 23 other countries. Big corporations look to be the biggest winners in the deal.

Go home: Sector del vicepresidente Sendic a favor de abandonar las negociaciones del TISA.

Sector del vicepresidente Sendic a favor de abandonar las negociaciones del TISA.

WikiLeaks Exclusive: Secret core text from Trade in Services Agreement negotiations

1 July, 2015
Leaked negotiations from a key trade deal show radical plans to deregulate services in Australia, including aged care and childcare.

TISA Exposed: 'Holy Grail' of Leaks Reveals Detailed Plot for Corporate Takeover

1 July, 2015
Days ahead of another round of secret international negotiations, WikiLeaks on Wednesday released what it described as "a modern journalistic holy grail: the secret Core Text for the largest 'trade deal' in history." Fifty-two-nation Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) uses trade regulations 'as a smokescreen to limit citizen rights,' says labor leader

Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Press release by Wikileaks, July 1, 2015

1 July, 2015
Today, 1500 CEST Wednesday, 1 July 2015, WikiLeaks releases a modern journalistic holy grail: the secret Core Text for the largest 'trade deal' in history, the TiSA (Trade In Services Agreement), whose 52 nations together comprise two-thirds of global GDP.

Una nueva filtración sobre el TISA confirma los temores de la ISP sobre la desregulación y el secretismo

1 July, 2015
Una nueva serie de filtraciones vienen a confirmar los temores de la ISP sobre las limitaciones que impondrá el Acuerdo sobre el Comercio Internacional de Servicios (TISA) al derecho de los gobiernos a legislar en interés público y a la falta de transparencia que rodea a su negociación.

Wikileaks Releases Updated Secret Documents on TISA - OWINFS Press Release, July 1, 2015

1 July, 2015
Today, Wikileaks released the most updated draft texts on the proposed TISA, along with substantive analysis, on each of four cross-cutting annexes: Domestic Regulation, the “Movement of Natural Persons,” Transparency, and a previously-unreleased annex on Government Procurement. In addition they released the Core Text with accompanying analysis and the agenda for the negotiations next week. The negotiating texts are supposed to remain secret for five years after the deal is finalized or abandoned.