Archive - Ago 16, 2007 - Article


IJEPA, To Strengthen Japan ‘Colonialization’ in Indonesia

15 August, 2007
IGJ Statement on Indonesia-Japan EPA

Stop the ´EPAs´ offensive by the EU against the Southern African development community

15 August, 2007
Hundreds of representatives of social and labour organisations, faith-based, community-based and health networks, small farmers, traders, women and youth organisations, and developmental, human rights and environmental NGOs from across the whole of the Southern African region have gathered in a Peoples Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, 15-16 August 2007, parallel to the SADC Heads of State summit.

Strict requirements in JPEPA belie gov’t claim of huge labor market for RP nurses in Japan

15 August, 2007
Philippine Ambassador to Japan Domingo Siazon recently made a pitch for the Senate ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), saying that Japan's aging population represents a large labor market for local nurses and caregivers.