Archive - Ago 23, 2006 - Article

The 3rd Round of Korea-US FTA Talks coming...

22 August, 2006
The third round of talks over the Korea-U.S. FTA will be held in Seattle in the United States -a famous battleground of the WTO protests in 1999-from 6th to 9th September.

President Roh being increasingly critisized for KorUS FTA

22 August, 2006
"Regardless of fierce nation-wide protests, I will dedicate my remaining time in office to realizing the FTA." These words encapsulate the attitude that has seen South Korean President Roh Mu-Hyun and his government become increasingly defensive and isolated in power.

Officials to discuss Doha Round

22 August, 2006
US Trade Representative Susan Schwab will start her first visit to China on Sunday, during which she will hold high-level discussions on efforts to restart the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Doha Round.

US likely to sign ASEAN trade deal

22 August, 2006
The US is set to conclude an agreement with Southeast Asia this week that is expected to boost free trade and help Americans benefit from a larger East Asian tariff-busting program.