Archive - Abr 6, 2006 - Article

United Nations: UN reform process hotting up

5 April, 2006
The process of reforming the United Nations is heating up as diplomats and UN bureaucrats get increasingly embroiled in the many and complex strands of the process.The process of reforming the United Nations is heating up as diplomats and UN bureaucratsget increasingly embroiled in the many and complex strands of the process.The process of reforming the United Nations is heating up as diplomats and UN bureaucrats get increasingly embroiled in the many and complex strands of the process.

United Nations: Developed countries press for big changes in UN structure

5 April, 2006
Developed countries are actively advocating major structural and operational changes to the United Nations system, including the closure or merger of several UN organisations, and the creation of a few.

United Nations: G77 warns against attempts to eliminate UN mandates

5 April, 2006
The process of reform of the operational activities of the United Nations and possibly of the structures and mandates of its many organizations is proceeding at an increasingly fast pace, with the developed countries taking a leading role in pushing for the reforms.

United Nations: G77 stresses UN?s leading role to coherence panel

5 April, 2006
The Chairman of the G77 in New York has written to the Prime Ministers of Pakistan, Mozambique and Norway who co-chair the panel on UN system-wide coherence to stress that the coherence exercise must strengthen the role of the UN so that it becomes the premier international organization dealing with economic, social and development issues.