Archive - Sep 26, 2005 - Article

Falling Short on Agriculture in Paris

25 September, 2005
Trade chiefs of the new 'quad' grouping of nations the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India failed to make headway in reconciling their positions in agriculture

?Quad? Progresses In Principle

25 September, 2005
Paris 'Quad' trade members from the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India were able here last Friday to conclude their meeting on an optimistic note after an exchange of figures by the United States and the European Union to be eventually plugged into a tariff-cutting formula in the market access pillar of Doha Development Agenda

Still Stalemated on Industrials

25 September, 2005
The United States and the European Union on Friday asked Brazil and India to agree to a 'Swiss' formula with two coefficients one for the industrialized countries and one for the developing countries to cut industrial tariffs