Archive - Mayo 11, 2005 - Article

Not in my NAMA

10 May, 2005
In a conference room on the shores of Lake Geneva, trade negotiators are drawing up plans that could eventually have a devastating impact on the global environment

WIPO seminar debates intellectual property and development

10 May, 2005
An international seminar on Intellectual Property and Development held at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on 2-3 May 2005 discussed the theme 'intellectual property and public policy', with sessions on public health, biodiversity and traditional knowledge, copyright and competition policy.(M.Khor)

Contrasting views continue at WIPO development seminar

10 May, 2005
The international seminar on Intellectual Property and Development held at WIPO headquarters in Geneva pn 2-3 May 2005 saw some interesting exchanges of views and experiences on its second day, with contrasting points made by speakers, chairpersons and participants from the floor.(M.Khor)