Archive - Article

January 29th

Doha revival pledges fall short of the mark

28 January, 2007
The US, Europe and other major powers have made only a vague commitment to liberalise global trade, despite encouragement from leaders attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Nath’s offer of room on special products irks farmers

28 January, 2007
The issue of special safeguard mechanism (SSM) and special products (SPs) in agriculture has assumed importance in discussions for WTO talks resumption. This was after commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath

Letter to the editor from AFTINET

28 January, 2007
Your editorial is mistaken in its claim that there must be 'more ambitious' offers from developing countries on goods and services in the WTO trade negotiations

January 25th

Demo Held against EU trade rules

24 January, 2007
Thousands of demonstrators yesterday paralysed operations of the European Union office in Nairobi accusing the trading bloc of exploiting African Countries.

Just How Good Is Globalization?

24 January, 2007
Question Is Pondered By Key Leaders Amid Workers' Worries

The Shaky Political Reality behind the Bush Admin’s New Doha Round False Promises

24 January, 2007
As negotiators of some select WTO member nations attend a “Mini-Ministerial” meeting at Davos, it is important to take into consideration several aspects of the current U.S. reality regarding the USTR’s lack of ability to gain Congressional approval for new U.S. offers in the Doha negotiations.

January 24th

WTO must not win at the cost of Pakistani Farmers

23 January, 2007

African Ministers want to explore "all alternatives" in EPA talks

23 January, 2007
African Trade Ministers at their recent meeting in Addis

January 23rd

Argentina, Brazil Join Canada’s WTO Complaint Against U.S. Corn Subsidies

22 January, 2007
South American agricultural powers Argentina and Brazil have joined Canada in a complaint against the United States over what they claim are illegal government handouts to American corn growers, trade officials said Monday.

Poor will gain nothing from last ditch attempts to kick-start doha deal

22 January, 2007
Trade ministers from developing countries meeting in Davos this week should resist pressure to restart the stalled WTO trade talks because there is next to nothing on offer that will help reduce global poverty, said ActionAid today.