Archive - Article

February 23rd, 2007

Indonesia's move on bird flu samples highlights key access issues

22 February, 2007
The reluctance of Indonesia to freely provide bird flu samples to the World Health Organisation because of the fear that commercial companies would obtain them to develop patented products is understandable, since samples of other viruses given to WHO have previously been used by corporations to obtain patents

NGOs accuse Lamy of pressuring govt

22 February, 2007
Peasant groups have accused visiting World Trade Organization chief Pascal Lamy of trying to pressure the Philippine government to change its position on delayed global trade talks.

Farmers and fishers disrupt Lamy’s meeting with business

22 February, 2007
Vowing to let Pascal Lamy hear the loud cries of poor sectors, farmers and fishers gate crashed and disrupted a meeting today organized by Philippine business with World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Pascal Lamy.

Around the Globe

22 February, 2007
The US, European Union and India are close to a compromise that would allow the Doha global trade negotiations to resume, World Trade Organization chief Pascal Lamy said Wednesday according to a Dow Jones news service report from Jakarta

February 22nd

Farmers’ Networks Hit Lamy’s Visit in the Philippines

21 February, 2007
Press release: More than 400 farmers, fisherfolks, urban poor and

U.S. Farmers Link with Farmers Around the World on Farm Policy

21 February, 2007
Sixty farm, faith, consumer, environmental, development and rural advocacy organizations today declared the current U.S. agricultural trade model

“No to Liberalization of Agriculture!”-APC

21 February, 2007
The militant Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) together with the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and Pamalakaya launched a protest action

February 21st

Minister says RI’s Doha stance will stay firm

20 February, 2007
Indonesia will remain firm in its stance favoring “special product exemptions” during the Doha Development Round negotiations, says a minister, brushing aside concerns that the country might compromise on its position in the light of the visit of WTO Director General Pascal Lamy.

Lamy, du Cycle de Doha n’est pas pour nous !!

20 February, 2007
Pascal Lamy is a man with a mission. Since assuming the post of Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in September 2005, the former Trade Commissioner of the European Union has taken to heart his role as the captain of global trade, hoping to steer the 148 Member countries of the WTO into concluding a new multilateral trade agreement under the Doha Round the soonest possible time.

TRIPS/CBD, enforcement dominate talks at TRIPS Council

20 February, 2007
The relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity and the issue of enforcement of TRIPS provisions dominated the discussions at a meeting of the TRIPS Council on Tuesday 13 February.