Archive - Article

August 18th, 2007

Indonesia likely to be the loser in Japan agreement

17 August, 2007
Analysts here say an economic partnership agreement due to be signed next week between Indonesia and Japan will do more to benefit Japanese companies than domestic businesses.

August 16th

Stop the ´EPAs´ offensive by the EU against the Southern African development community

15 August, 2007
Hundreds of representatives of social and labour organisations, faith-based, community-based and health networks, small farmers, traders, women and youth organisations, and developmental, human rights and environmental NGOs from across the whole of the Southern African region have gathered in a Peoples Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, 15-16 August 2007, parallel to the SADC Heads of State summit.

Strict requirements in JPEPA belie gov’t claim of huge labor market for RP nurses in Japan

15 August, 2007
Philippine Ambassador to Japan Domingo Siazon recently made a pitch for the Senate ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), saying that Japan's aging population represents a large labor market for local nurses and caregivers.

IJEPA, To Strengthen Japan ‘Colonialization’ in Indonesia

15 August, 2007
IGJ Statement on Indonesia-Japan EPA

August 14th

Free trade pacts with China, Japan to further weaken RP economy

13 August, 2007
Philippine trade deals with Japan and China, which President Gloria Arroyo recently urged Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members to act on, will further weaken the country

August 13th

India’s concerns addressed at Doha talks, says WTO DDG

12 August, 2007
India's main areas of concern have been largely addressed at the ongoing Doha Round as trade negotiations enter the last phase with reasonably good prospects for a successful conclusion, Harsha Vardhana Singh, deputy director-general, World Trade Organisation (WTO), said here on Monday.

August 8th

Argument vs. JPEPA: Not only environmental impact but unfairness of pact

7 August, 2007
RP excludes only rice and salt vs. 239 items for Japan

August 7th

Fishermen Join Forces With Farmers

6 August, 2007
The West Coast

ASEAN nations plan WTO action on Australian prawn ban: reports

6 August, 2007
ASEAN countries will complain to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) about an Australian ban on prawn imports that they say constitutes an artificial trade barrier, it was reported Tuesday.

July 26th

"Doha is dead", time to rethink a new model of trade

25 July, 2007
Over ninety civil society organizations from all over the world have sent a letter to their Trade Ministers, calling on them to acknowledge the failure of the Doha Round and to institute a two-year moratorium to provide the time and space necessary to rethink the model and process of global trade negotiations.