Archive - Article

March 14th, 2008

As senate sets date for JPEPA vote, heed experience of other east Asian countries with Japan trade deals, solons urged

13 March, 2008
Amid current political noise brought about by the Arroyo government

March 7th

Agriculture Talks Stuck on Import Surge Safeguard

6 March, 2008
The Group of 33 developing countries has denounced the draft text on the special safeguard mechanism in the current Doha Development Round of World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks as

March 6th

To Implement Domestic Campaign Policy Priorities on Health Care and Global Warming, Future Presidents Must Alter Existing U.S. Trade Commitments

5 March, 2008
New Public Citizen Report Identifies Changes to WTO, NAFTA Rules Needed to Facilitate Candidates

Meeting vows to oppose Sugarland City project

5 March, 2008
Representatives of local communities and some concerned NGOs have rejected the Waterfront Sugarland City project and have demanded that the government

March 4th

Link to a new communication by the U.S. on product-specific limits for the Blue Box category of domestic support

3 March, 2008
Link to a new communication by the U.S. on product-specific limits for the Blue Box category of domestic support

Link to a new set of proposals by the Chair of the NAMA negotiations

3 March, 2008
Link to a new set of proposals by the Chair of the NAMA negotiations

February 29th

Links to statements by the NAMA-11 countries and the G33 on the latest modalities texts

28 February, 2008
Links to statements by the NAMA-11 countries and the G33 on the latest modalities texts

February 15th

An assessment of where things stand: what happened to the political momentum?

14 February, 2008
The WTO machinery keeps turning. Trade negotiators and the Chairs of the negotiations continue to focus on the Doha Agenda, refusing to join the growing chorus of voices that have pronounced the Agenda beyond hope. Another set of negotiating texts

February 14th

A response to the Global Food Prices Crisis: Sustainable family farming can feed the world

13 February, 2008
Press Release - La Via Campesina

Developments in the GATS Domestic Regulation Negotiations

13 February, 2008
The draft GATS disciplines, if implemented, would limit what governments can do to prevent and resolve such crises. They would hamstring regulators and further bias the regulatory process in favour of commercial interests.