Archive - Dic 21, 2005

Lamy, Tsang upbeat at post-Conference press conference

20 December, 2005
This is a report of the four press conferences that were held after the closing session of the WTO

NGOs criticize WTO?s Hong Kong outcome

20 December, 2005
In contrast to statements by several governments who hailed the WTO

How the WTO's conference adopted its ministerial declaration in Hong Kong

20 December, 2005
The sixth Ministerial conference of the WTO ended on Sunday with the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration in a carefully choreographed closing session designed in a way to prevent delegations from speaking or taking an active role in decision-making

'2013' for Ag Subsidies Elimination

20 December, 2005
The Hong Kong ministerial declaration approved late yesterday by 150 World Trade Organization delegates gathered here for the sixth ministerial meeting set 2013 as the date for eliminating all agricultural export subsidies an agreement that came after hours of wrangling as well as threats of walk-outs from some trade ministers

A 'Hong Kong' Analysis

20 December, 2005
Last week's sixth World Trade Organization ministerial conference which brought about '5 percent progress' in the languishing Doha Development Agenda trade negotiations, according to Director General Pascal Lamy has preserved the 'process' more than adding to the substance of the four-year-old negotiations