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Argentina’s WTO Civil Society Ban is Outrageous

8 December, 2017
See also Sharan Burrow’s video message:



Argentina’s WTO Civil Society Ban is Outrageous

Brussels, 8 December 2017 (ITUC OnLine): Argentina’s decision to ban civil society advocates from participating in meetings at the WTO Ministerial Conference which starts on 10 December is bizarre and anti-democratic.

Argentina causes WTO scandal: Critical NGOs banned and possibly denied entry on the border

8 December, 2017

Petter Slaatrem Titland, leader of the Norwegian organisation Attac Norway, is now held on the border to Argentina on his way to the WTO summit.

- How can the Norwegian foreign minister negotiate in the WTO on behalf of the Norwegian population while Norwegian civil society is denied accreditation to the summit and entry into Argentina, said Titland in a comment earlier today.

This happens as Argentinian authorities have withdrawn accreditations to the summit for several NGOs, including Attac Norway.