Archive - Aug 16, 2007 - Article


Strict requirements in JPEPA belie gov’t claim of huge labor market for RP nurses in Japan

15 August, 2007
Philippine Ambassador to Japan Domingo Siazon recently made a pitch for the Senate ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), saying that Japan's aging population represents a large labor market for local nurses and caregivers.

Stop the ´EPAs´ offensive by the EU against the Southern African development community

15 August, 2007
Hundreds of representatives of social and labour organisations, faith-based, community-based and health networks, small farmers, traders, women and youth organisations, and developmental, human rights and environmental NGOs from across the whole of the Southern African region have gathered in a Peoples Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, 15-16 August 2007, parallel to the SADC Heads of State summit.

IJEPA, To Strengthen Japan ‘Colonialization’ in Indonesia

15 August, 2007
IGJ Statement on Indonesia-Japan EPA