Archive - Jul 27, 2005 - Article

No progress in agriculture talks

26 July, 2005
There has been no progress in the agriculture talks over the past days, but it is not a crisis

General Council meets amid gloom of 'no outcome'

26 July, 2005
The WTO General Council started its meeting today in an atmosphere of anti-climax as well as general gloom that its long-touted objective of coming up with 'first approximations' of modalities on key issues to give a boost to the preparations for the Hongkong Ministerial in December would not be fulfilled.

Update on WTO 27 July 500pm

26 July, 2005
It dealt with eight regular items today, including TRIPS andhealth, special and dfiierential treatment, small economies,implementation issues, budget committee.

Update on WTO General Council process

26 July, 2005
the chair of the agriculture negotiationsreported that there had been negotiations among a small group of countries in thepast week.