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May 25th

WTO Hands Off Our Food, Say 48 Million In Global Campaign

24 May, 2004
Campaigners from Friends of the Earth International, which initiated this 'bite-back: WTO hands off our food' campaign, held two banners saying 'WTO: Hands Off our Food' and 'WTO = bio-hazard'

May 10th

GE Wheat Battle Won, But War Against GE Food Wages On

9 May, 2004
'This is a tremendous victory for consumers everywhere,' -Nad

Monsanto's Retreat On GE Wheat A Victory For Farmers

9 May, 2004
Monsanto is currently going through the permit process with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to de-regulate genetically engineered Roundup Ready wheat.

May 5th

WTO Cotton Ruling: Time to Reevaluate Bankrupt U.S. Agriculture And Trade Policy

4 May, 2004
The Brazilian victory provides an opportunity to reevaluate the failures of the bankrupt agricultural trading system, and begin an open and honest debate that would examine viable alternatives.

May 4th

WTO News: Speeches - DG Supachai Panitchpakdi

3 May, 2004
Address by the Director-General to Third LDC Trade Minister's Meeting (in Senegal)