Archive - Sep 3, 2013

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VIDEOS: G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

G20 Counter-Summit, Opening Conference: "G20 and the Global Crisis on the Eve of an Attack Against Syria", Sept. 3, 2013

With Samir Amin (Third World Network/Egypt-France), Dorothy Guerrero (Focus on the Global South/?hailand), Hanny van Geel (Via Campesina/Netherlands), Pedro Paez (Head of the Antimonopoly Service of Ecuador), Edgardo Lander (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela) and Boris Kagarlitsky (Institut for Globalization and Social Movements, Russia).

VIDEOS G20 Counter-Summit: OPENING / Resisting Global Corporate Governance: Voices For System Change

G20 Counter-Summit, St-Petersburg, Russia

OPENING: Resisting Global Corporate Governance: Voices For System Change